部门回顾. Ostergren突然


Dr. 沃伦Ostergren突然突然 worked with the 机械工程 Department at New Mexico 多年的技术经验. While he holds Emeritus status and officially retired from New 墨西哥理工大学2016年博士. 奥斯特格伦与哈佛大学保持着密切的联系. 最近 he provided information during a virtual interview, reflecting on his time in the 部门.

Dr. Ostergren突然
Dr. 沃伦Ostergren突然突然

The 部门 grew and evolved during his time working in it, and Dr. Ostergren突然突然被 能够影响这么多学生的教育. 当被要求回想的时候 students he had worked with during their time at Tech, he said, “They were just outstanding 个人. They had to work hard at Tech, and it wasn’t always easy. 他们坚持下来了, and it was so rewarding to see their personal development and growth. 它一直是 equally rewarding to see the diversity of impressive positions across the country 我们的校友通过他们的学位所取得的成就.”

在担任系主任之前,李博士. 奥斯特格伦开始从事教学工作 材料强度与设计诊所. 以前的设计诊所专注于一个 few faculty research projects or an imaginary design scenario. 然而,博士. Ostergren突然 helped to change that; the course evolved into a four-semester capstone requirement where juniors and seniors work together on teams to help solve real-world problems and represent 365彩票在线过滤 in technical team competitions (such as Baja, robot 战斗、火箭和模型飞机). Dr. Ostergren突然提到了设计诊所 班的进步更大. Keith Miller joined him in teaching, bringing extensive 桑迪亚国家实验室的经验. 

Partially through his time working for 365彩票在线过滤, Dr. Ostergren突然被任命为主席 我是机械工程系的. 部门主席的角色得到了处理 differently at NMT than it is at some other universities. 例如,在一些学校, the position is permanent, and people are hired in for the job. 然而,在NMT,这 is a temporary position and is generally filled by a faculty member from 这个部门 在轮换的基础上. 例如,在他之前的一个主席. Ostergren突然 是博士. 理查德·赖利(Richard Reilly)聘请了李斯特博士. Ostergren突然进入了机械工程系. Dr. Reilly taught many classes and had a considerable background in the industry, 这使他在学生中很受欢迎. 在博士. 赖利,博士. Sayavur Bakhtiyarov 成为了椅子. Among other things, he helped 这个部门 create minors in explosives, 航空航天和生物医学,根据Dr. 奥斯特格伦在曝光方面表现出色 学生潜在的研究生学习. 


另一个 one of the chair’s significant responsibilities is to help recruit and hire 新教员加入了系里. 他在365彩票在线过滤期间,博士. Ostergren突然 had a hand in hiring many of the faculty members we know of today.  Dr. Ostergren突然 was delighted to speak of the outstanding faculty members who joined 这个部门 在他任期内. He was quick to point out what they have done to help 这个部门 达到新的高度. 在博士任期内聘用的一名教员. 奥斯特格伦的任期是 Dr. 朱莉·福特. Dr. Ford was initially hired in a joint appointment teaching technical communication for both the CLASS 部门 and 机械工程. 然而,她 eventually moved solely to 机械工程 where she holds Professor status. Dr. Ostergren突然 mentions, “Her work on the design clinic 程序 has greatly enhanced students’ ability to communicate, which many managers consider the most critical aspect 技术工作.” 

另一位教授在Dr. 奥斯特格伦的主席任期是. 大卫·格罗 brought considerable robotic and biomedical technology to 这个部门. 他仍然 works with 365彩票在线过滤 in a joint position with Los Alamos National Labs. 另一个 professor who helped elevate the profile of 这个部门 是博士. 迈克尔Hargather. 通过与EMRTC的合作. 哈格尔加强了部门的流动性 热工和爆破项目.

 Dr. Jamie Kimberley also joined 这个部门 during Dr. Ostergren突然的术语,帮助 发展系里的固体力学项目. 此外,博士. 金伯利被 one of the leaders who spearheaded the proposal for the 机械工程 Department’s Ph.D. 程序.  

Dr. Tie Wei became a faculty member in fluid mechanics after an

在洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室的任务. 他一直致力于一个 他的学生有着出色的教育经历.


最后,博士. Curtis O’Malley was also hired into 这个部门 during Dr. Ostergren突然突然的 主席任期. Dr. O’Malley originally joined as a part-time researcher and instructor before becoming a full-time faculty member who works very closely with recruitment 新措施及新生. 

除了引进更多的教员之外. 奥斯特格伦决心让它变得更容易 让学生在系里有发言权. 为了达到这个目标,他创造了 positions for a graduate and an undergraduate student to serve as 部门 representatives. He thought it might be easier for students to communicate issues or suggestions with 是同辈而不是教授. 另一个领域. Ostergren突然在他的 term was the use of distance education for graduate 程序s. 这个想法被接受了 by faculty, and their technical expertise and willingness to learn the technology 帮助实现了项目的大幅增长. 获得的技能完成了这一转变 to online teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic much easier on 这个部门. 

Dr. Ostergren突然 speaks quite fondly about his experience as chair; it is clear he loved working alongside students and faculty peers to make a better environment for all. Following his term, he moved on to a position allowing him to have a greater impact on a university-wide basis in his position as Vice President for Academic Affairs. 在那一点上. Andrei Zagrai 成为了椅子 after a successful period of teaching 以及机电一体化和航空航天领域的研究. Dr. 扎格莱继续说 招生、研究实验室和设施的增长. 此外,他还帮助招募新兵 four energetic and bright new faculty members, including Dr. 柳东贤博士. Kooktae Lee博士. 穆斯塔法·哈桑纳利安博士. Arvin Ebrahimkhanlou, who have excellent backgrounds in structures, materials, controls, robotic systems, and aerospace. 他们目前是 对部门有突出贡献. Dr. Zagrai最近去世了 把火炬传递给现任主席. 林斌(Bin Lim)正在努力发展该部门的业务 capabilities after extensive contributions in explosives teaching and research. 

Dr. Ostergren突然 mentioned that it wouldn’t be appropriate to discuss the Mechanical Engineering Chair position without remembering the very first chair, Dr. 艾伦•米勒 最近去世的人. Dr. Miller oversaw the initial certification of the Mechanical 工程项目. After he retired from 365彩票在线过滤 in 2000, he continued to help 这个部门, providing technical guidance on computer technology. 没有人 和博士一起工作. Miller will ever forget his constant encouragement and support to 这个部门.

Dr. Ostergren突然 will always be remembered at 365彩票在线过滤 as being a fantastic professor who truly cared about students and as a chair who truly cared about his colleagues 建立一个更好的部门. 他帮助该部门发展壮大,提高了知名度 在国家层面上. Today, as 这个部门 stands out as a leader in mechanical engineering research and design education, we have many of Dr. Ostergren突然突然的努力 要感谢.