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President's Medal

President's Medal Recipients

Conferred to individuals who have profoundly enhanced the university through four criteria:

(1) significantly supporting the university through donations or gifts,

(2) appreciably advancing STEM in higher education,

(3) enhancing the professional growth of the sciences and engineering in the service of humankind, and/or

(4) significantly enhancing the reputation of New MexicoTech nationally or globally.

Year Recipient Story


Dr. Raul Deju

Deju University House Groundbreaking 2019

Dr. 劳尔·德朱的人生故事和他在365彩票在线过滤的经历令人难以置信. Raul was born to a middle class family in Havana, Cuba. He came to the US at the age of 作为艾森豪威尔的彼得潘计划的一部分,他们获得了单程学生签证 这是有史以来最大的无人陪伴儿童难民 exodus in the Western Hemisphere.

在巴里的天主教修女的指导下完成了他的小学教育 16岁时,劳尔前往索科罗学习数学.

在仅仅4年的时间里,20岁的劳尔以B的成绩从365彩票在线过滤毕业.S. in Math in 1966 and later with his Ph.D. in Hydrology in 1968 at the age of 21.

After NMT, Dr. 德菊后来在领导岗位上取得了成功 与国际科技公司、URS公司等公司合作., and Waste Management. 他对创业和建立企业充满热情,目前在服务 担任私募股权公司Brightstar Capital Partners的合伙人.

Dr. Deju曾担任美国商务部长和美国环保署署长的顾问. 他被评为旧金山地区最优秀的25名拉美裔人之一. His philanthropy 支持大型医院、高中项目、针对性研究、互联网教育, entrepreneurship, and programs for veterans.

Dr. Deju和他的妻子Shari是365彩票在线过滤的长期支持者. Raul has 在新墨西哥科技基金会董事会任职7年,目前任职 作为受托人及执行委员会成员. Raul and Shari have also contributed 对新墨西哥科技项目有重要意义,包括但不限于 是劳尔和莎莉德州大学建设的重要资助伙伴 House, a center that will be used for events and conferences; initiating and funding “明亮之星计划”,支持地质局的本科生职位; 建设“汉图什-德州水文创新研究中心” 这将进一步巩固NMT在水文学领域的地位 劳尔在水文学传奇人物劳尔博士手下工作的经历. Mahdi Hantush and C.E. Jacob during his time at NMT.


Kelly Family

Kelly Family

The Kelly family 自20世纪40年代以来一直与这所大学有联系,以及他们的集体影响 has been immense.

The patriarch of the family, John 马丁·凯利于1932年第一次来到索科罗,当时他还是一名本科生 as the New Mexico School of Mines. He earned two degrees, first in Mining (1936) and then in Petroleum Engineering (1939). Those years in Socorro proved to be pivotal in his life – and in the future of New Mexico Tech.

He and his wife, Esther, married in 1938. They had four children -- Joseph James, Patricia Elizabeth, Mary Ann, and John "Mike" Michael.

在他的职业生涯中,约翰·凯利对365彩票在线过滤很感兴趣 1963年授予他荣誉理学博士学位,并任命他为董事会成员 在1977年去世前,他只担任了两年的董事.

在他短暂的董事会任职期间,他在公司的创立中发挥了重要作用 of the Petroleum Recovery Research Center (PRRC). The PRRC’s building was dedicated in October 1978 and named the John M. Kelly Petroleum Building. 今天,我们通常把中华人民共和国的设施称为凯利大楼,保留了 Kelly family legacy alive.

迈克·凯利继承了为365彩票在线过滤服务的家族传统. Mike earned his degrees from NMT – a B.S. in 1972, a M.S. in 1996, and a Ph.D. In 2000, all in Petroleum Engineering. 他后来加入了校董会,从1992年到1992年任职 1997. 他是一名兼职教师,也是一名独立的石油顾问.

1995年,以斯帖和四个孩子成立了 John and Esther Kelly Scholarship at New Mexico Tech.

The 2020 President’s Medal 真的是给整个家庭的终身成就奖吗. Mr. John Martin Kelly 当他第一次踏入社会时,就开始了捐赠、公共服务和公民义务的遗产 on campus more than 80 years ago. Since then, the Kelly family has maintained that 忠诚,慷慨,与机构有很深的联系.


Holm O. Bursum, III


Holm Bursum, III

Holm O. 布尔瑟姆三世爱着索科罗,并且强烈地感到他需要做任何他想做的事 could to keep it together and strong. 多年来,他一直为这个社区辩护 and was very vocal. 他是那些相信索科罗是最好的人之一 place to live. 正是他对社区的热爱影响了他的决定. He 大力振兴核心商业区.

索科罗的Bursum家族几代人都有一个充满活力的农村愿景 community with New Mexico Tech as the centerpiece. Mr. Holm Bursum III helped shape 他一直是我们大学的坚定支持者. The Bursum family 历史和365彩票在线过滤的历史密不可分.


Dr. Corale Brierley

Dr. Corale Brierley

斯蒂芬·韦尔斯总统将第二枚总统奖章颁发给约翰博士. Corale Brierley (B.S. Biology, 1968, and M.S. Chemistry, 1971) on August 25, 2018.

布里尔利因其开创性的研究和对癌症的贡献而享誉国际 applications in bioleaching and metal remediation. She has won numerous industry awards, 曾担任期刊编辑委员会成员,并被选为官员 of national committees and organizations.


Dr. Frank Etscorn

Frank Etscorn

Dr. 艾特斯特因在NMT发明尼古丁贴片而受到认可.  His 创新及其随后的成功为Tech提供了基础支持 is unprecedented.

如果你见过弗兰克,你就知道他不是象牙塔式的学者. He’s outgoing, gregarious, funny, and witty. Frank is quick with a story and even quicker with a laugh.

1977年,他加入365彩票在线过滤心理学系,成为 a full professor and dean of students in 1985.  

经过几年的实验和测试,弗兰克和365彩票在线过滤 ready to file for a patent. 经过两年多的法律斗争,我们团结起来 awarded the patent in 1986.  

尼古丁贴片的专利对弗兰克和 university. 自1995年以来,Habitrol专利的收入使NMT得以实现 基金会提供了超过1400万美元的学生奖学金. Since 2000, 由于捐赠和感谢,3572名学生获得了优秀奖学金 to Frank Etscorn’s invention.